& break
& break
mechanism provides a cleaner alternative to non-local returns:
is short forboundary.apply:
- the indented code below, passed as
, is a context function that is called withinboundary.apply
- to
, an in-scopegiven
instance ofLabel
is required (i.e. is impossible tobreak
without an enclosingboundary
) - Users don’t define
instances themselves. Instead, this is done inside the implementation ofboundary.apply
to provide the capability of doing a non-local return [Ref]:// From the Scala 3 standard library /** Run `body` with freshly generated label as implicit argument. * Catch any breaks associated with that label and return their * results instead of `body`'s result. */ inline def apply[T](inline body: Label[T] ?=> T): T = val local = Label[T]() try body(using local) catch case ex: Break[T] @unchecked => if ex.label eq local then ex.value else throw ex
- non-local breaks are implemented as non-fatal exceptions: the implementation is optimized to suppress unnecessary stack traces (which makes exceptions very slow); stack traces are useless since the exceptions are managed rather than exposed to the user abruptly
- enhanced performance is achieved when a break occurs within the same method, allowing it to be rewritten as a jump call to the enclosing scope within the same stack frame.
- to
can be particularly useful for error handling (later examples will show some use cases) and inner loops where we need a short exit path. But, most importantly, they lay the foundations (along with aresume
mechanism) for building new direct-style concurrency abstractions based on suspensions.
Modeling error handling data types with non-local breaks #
[Here you can find the full source.]
In the following section are presented two data types that can be used to handle errors, both leveraging the boundary
and break
The first (optional
) has been presented in the Scalar conference by M. Odersky, while the second has been implemented to apply the same style also to Either
data type.
/** Represents a computation that will hopefully return
* [[Some]]thing or simply [[None]] if it can't. */
object optional:
/** Defines the boundary for an [[Option]] returning computation,
* whose [[body]] is given in input. */
inline def apply[T](inline body: Label[None.type] ?=> T): Option[T] =
extension [T](o: Option[T])
/** @return the enclosed [[Option]] object if defined, or break
* to the enclosing boundary with [[None]]. */
inline def ?(using label: Label[None.type]): T =
+ ?
/** A capability enabling to break the computation returning a
* [[Left]] with an useful string-encoded message. */
type CanFail = Label[Left[String, Nothing]]
/** Represents a computation that will hopefully return a [[Right]] value,
* but might fail with a [[Left]] one. */
object either:
/** Defines the boundary for the [[Either]] returning computation, whose [[body]] is given in input. */
inline def apply[L, R](inline body: Label[Left[L, Nothing]] ?=> R): Either[L, R] =
/** Quickly break to the enclosing boundary with a [[Left]] filled with [[l]]. */
inline def fail[L, R](l: L)(using Label[Left[L, R]]): R = break(Left(l))
extension [L, R](e: Either[L, R])
/** @return this [[Right]] value or break to the enclosing boundary with the [[Left]] value. */
inline def ?(using Label[Left[L, Nothing]]): R = e match
case Right(value) => value
case Left(value) => break(Left(value))
extension [R](t: Try[R])
/** @return this [[Success]] value or break to the enclosing boundary with a [[Left]]
* containing the converted `Throwable` exception performed by the implicit [[converter]].
inline def ?[L](using Label[Left[L, Nothing]])(using converter: Conversion[Throwable, L]): R = t match
case Success(value) => value
case Failure(exception) => break(Left(converter(exception)))
/** An object encapsulating a collection of `Throwable` given converters. */
object EitherConversions:
/** Converts a `Throwable` to a `String` with its message. */
given Conversion[Throwable, String] = _.getMessage
This kind of data type is particularly useful to quickly break in case of failures, returning the caller a meaningful error message, and simplifying the error-handling code.
For instance, aggregate
returns the list of HTTP body responses, or the first encountered error.
def aggregate(xs: List[Uri]): Either[String, List[String]] =
either: // boundary // `?` break if doRequest returns a Left
def doRequest(endpoint: Uri): Either[String, String] =
The monadic counterpart is much more complex:
def monadicAggregate(xs: List[Uri]): Either[String, List[String]] =
xs.foldLeft[Either[String, List[String]]](Right(List.empty)): (acc, uri) =>
results <- acc
response <- doRequest(uri)
yield results :+ response
Could be simplified using Cats traverse
, yet there remains considerable complexity behind it…
def idiomaticMonadicAggregate(xs: List[Uri]): Either[String, List[String]] =
import cats.implicits.toTraverseOps
// "Given a function which returns a G effect, thread this effect through the running of
// this function on all the values in F, returning an F[B] in a G context."
// def traverse[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]]
Functions requiring the label capability can promptly break the computation upon encountering an error.
Calling side the label is defined using either
def getUser(id: UserId)(using CanFail): User =
val user = userBy(id)
if verifyUser(user) then user else fail("Incorrect user")
// fail is a shorthand for `break(Left("Incorrect user"))`
def getPayment(user: User)(using CanFail): PaymentMethod =
paymentMethodOf(user) match
case Some(a) if verifyMethod(a) => a
case Some(_) => fail("The payment method is not valid")
case _ => fail("Missing payment method")
def paymentData(id: UserId) = either:
val user = getUser(id)
val address = getPayment(user)
(user, address)