02 Boundaries

boundary & break #

boundary & break mechanism provides a cleaner alternative to non-local returns:

  • boundary: is short for boundary.apply:
  • the indented code below, passed as body, is a context function that is called within boundary.apply
    • to break, an in-scope given instance of Label is required (i.e. is impossible to break without an enclosing boundary)
    • Users don’t define Label instances themselves. Instead, this is done inside the implementation of boundary.apply to provide the capability of doing a non-local return [Ref]:
      // From the Scala 3 standard library
      /** Run `body` with freshly generated label as implicit argument. 
        * Catch any breaks associated with that label and return their 
        * results instead of `body`'s result.
      inline def apply[T](inline body: Label[T] ?=> T): T =
        val local = Label[T]()
        try body(using local)
        catch case ex: Break[T] @unchecked =>
          if ex.label eq local then ex.value
          else throw ex
    • non-local breaks are implemented as non-fatal exceptions: the implementation is optimized to suppress unnecessary stack traces (which makes exceptions very slow); stack traces are useless since the exceptions are managed rather than exposed to the user abruptly
      • enhanced performance is achieved when a break occurs within the same method, allowing it to be rewritten as a jump call to the enclosing scope within the same stack frame.
boundary and break can be particularly useful for error handling (later examples will show some use cases) and inner loops where we need a short exit path. But, most importantly, they lay the foundations (along with a resume mechanism) for building new direct-style concurrency abstractions based on suspensions.

Modeling error handling data types with non-local breaks #

[Here you can find the full source.]

In the following section are presented two data types that can be used to handle errors, both leveraging the boundary and break mechanism. The first (optional) has been presented in the Scalar conference by M. Odersky, while the second has been implemented to apply the same style also to Either data type.

Optional #

/** Represents a computation that will hopefully return 
  * [[Some]]thing or simply [[None]] if it can't. */
object optional:

  /** Defines the boundary for an [[Option]] returning computation,
    * whose [[body]] is given in input. */
  inline def apply[T](inline body: Label[None.type] ?=> T): Option[T] =

  extension [T](o: Option[T])
    /** @return the enclosed [[Option]] object if defined, or break 
      * to the enclosing boundary with [[None]]. */
    inline def ?(using label: Label[None.type]): T =

Either + ? #

/** A capability enabling to break the computation returning a 
  * [[Left]] with an useful string-encoded message. */
type CanFail = Label[Left[String, Nothing]]

/** Represents a computation that will hopefully return a [[Right]] value, 
  * but might fail with a [[Left]] one. */
object either:

  /** Defines the boundary for the [[Either]] returning computation, whose [[body]] is given in input. */
  inline def apply[L, R](inline body: Label[Left[L, Nothing]] ?=> R): Either[L, R] =

  /** Quickly break to the enclosing boundary with a [[Left]] filled with [[l]]. */
  inline def fail[L, R](l: L)(using Label[Left[L, R]]): R = break(Left(l))

  extension [L, R](e: Either[L, R])
    /** @return this [[Right]] value or break to the enclosing boundary with the [[Left]] value. */
    inline def ?(using Label[Left[L, Nothing]]): R = e match
      case Right(value) => value
      case Left(value) => break(Left(value))

  extension [R](t: Try[R])
    /** @return this [[Success]] value or break to the enclosing boundary with a [[Left]] 
      *         containing the converted `Throwable` exception performed by the implicit [[converter]].
    inline def ?[L](using Label[Left[L, Nothing]])(using converter: Conversion[Throwable, L]): R = t match
      case Success(value) => value
      case Failure(exception) => break(Left(converter(exception)))

/** An object encapsulating a collection of `Throwable` given converters. */
object EitherConversions:

  /** Converts a `Throwable` to a `String` with its message. */
  given Conversion[Throwable, String] = _.getMessage

This kind of data type is particularly useful to quickly break in case of failures, returning the caller a meaningful error message, and simplifying the error-handling code.

For instance, aggregate returns the list of HTTP body responses, or the first encountered error.

def aggregate(xs: List[Uri]): Either[String, List[String]] =
  either: // boundary
    xs.map(doRequest(_).?) // `?` break if doRequest returns a Left

def doRequest(endpoint: Uri): Either[String, String] =

The monadic counterpart is much more complex:

def monadicAggregate(xs: List[Uri]): Either[String, List[String]] =
  xs.foldLeft[Either[String, List[String]]](Right(List.empty)): (acc, uri) =>
      results <- acc
      response <- doRequest(uri)
    yield results :+ response

Could be simplified using Cats traverse, yet there remains considerable complexity behind it…

def idiomaticMonadicAggregate(xs: List[Uri]): Either[String, List[String]] =
  import cats.implicits.toTraverseOps
  // "Given a function which returns a G effect, thread this effect through the running of
  // this function on all the values in F, returning an F[B] in a G context."
  //    def traverse[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]]

Functions requiring the label capability can promptly break the computation upon encountering an error. Calling side the label is defined using either boundary.

def getUser(id: UserId)(using CanFail): User =
  val user = userBy(id)
  if verifyUser(user) then user else fail("Incorrect user")
  // fail is a shorthand for `break(Left("Incorrect user"))`

def getPayment(user: User)(using CanFail): PaymentMethod =
  paymentMethodOf(user) match
    case Some(a) if verifyMethod(a) => a
    case Some(_) => fail("The payment method is not valid")
    case _ => fail("Missing payment method")

def paymentData(id: UserId) = either:
  val user = getUser(id)
  val address = getPayment(user)
  (user, address)
Overview Next: Basic asynchronous constructs